Future Outlook
For Your Patients, An Unmet Need Remains For An FDA-Approved Agent1,2
Treating R/R PCNSL Remains a Major Area of Unmet Clinical Need2
- Currently, there is no accepted standard of care in R/R PCNSL3,4
- A fundamental challenge for R/R PCNSL research is to effectively prolong durable response while minimizing toxicity2,5-7
- This is particularly important for elderly patients, who face poor prognosis and difficulty tolerating many treatments
What Stands in the Way of Making Progress in R/R PCNSL?
- Lack of prospective, multicenter studies1,2,4,8
- Low number of eligible patients1,2,4,8
- No standard of care1,2
- Understanding of PCNSL pathobiology is not well established1,2,4,8
Ono is rising to the challenge
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